The JTaylor Healthcare Podcast

Season 2: Episode 2 - Rural healthcare in the United States

From payer mix and funding challenges to physician and nurse recruitment, rural hospitals are faced with financial and clinical pressures every day. COVID has added an additional layer of complexity as many people have moved from cities to smaller rural areas and they bring with the health care needs and expectations for care.

In this episode of the JTaylor Healthcare Podcast, Kyle and Herd welcome Eide Bailly Partner-in-Charge of Critical Access Hospitals: Ralph Llewellyn. Ralph is a subject matter expert in rural and critical access healthcare. Ralph, Kyle, and Herd will discuss the past, the present, and the future of rural health, a topic that is often overlooked in the vast and changing healthcare space.

Listen to "Episode 10- Rural Healthcare in the United States Presents Its Own Set of Unique Challenges" on Spreaker.

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