COVID-19 and JTaylor

COVID-19 and JTaylor

JTaylor continues to be attentive to the rapidly evolving situation surrounding the COVID-19 virus. Regardless of how this evolves, our focus will continue to be on serving you with excellence. This includes ensuring our availability to you even as we all enhance physical isolation levels.

Effective Tuesday, March 17, we have converted to a remote working environment. This means that our physical office will be minimally staffed, and our professionals will be primarily communicating with you and each other through other means, namely phone, video, email, and through our online portal.

We are closely tied into the actions and communications of our government, and for a wide range of industries. As opportunities or concerns affecting your business or individual affairs become known, we will be communicating with you.

If in the meantime you have any questions or concerns we can assist you with, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

The JTaylor family is here to help you as we all go through this together,

Michael S. Malloy CPA

Managing Partner


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